林鳳營鮮乳自1980年代創立以來,一直是大眾心中高品質牛奶的選擇之一,也是鮮乳品類的暢銷品牌。汎羽fengworks 近期完成了林鳳營鮮乳品牌包裝設計升級優化,通過簡潔、高雅帶有些留白感的視覺語言,展現林鳳營鮮乳的純粹和高品質標準。
在兼顧品牌升級需求與保留品牌識別資產的基礎上,我們將原有的Milk移除,強化林鳳營High Quality識別形象,中英文字造型更加簡潔、現代,線條流暢且富有力量感,字符比例與間距更加均衡、穩定,更加和諧統一,原有的乳牛圖案也進行造型的修整簡化,使其更有層次感。在整體包裝多了留白簡潔感傳達純淨與專業的訴求,賣場陳列更具品牌識別度與嶄新的氣質。
Since its establishment in the 1980s, Lin Feng Ying Fresh Milk has always been one of the popular choices for high-quality milk and a top-selling brand in the fresh milk category. Recently, Fengworks has completed the upgrade and optimization of Lin Feng Ying Fresh Milk’s brand packaging design. Through a visual language that is simple, elegant, and somewhat minimalist, it showcases the purity and high-quality standards of Lin Feng Ying Fresh Milk.
While meeting the needs of brand upgrading and retaining brand recognition assets, we removed the original “Milk” element to enhance the recognition of Lin Feng Ying’s “High Quality” image. The Chinese and English lettering is now more concise and modern, with smooth and powerful lines, and a more balanced and stable proportion and spacing, achieving a more harmonious and unified look. The original cow pattern has also been refined and simplified to create a more layered effect. The overall packaging now features a minimalist and clean design, conveying a sense of purity and professionalism, making it more recognizable and presenting a brand-new aura in store displays.