
Craft 咖啡



貝納頌咖啡多年來憑借其卓越的品質和創新的品牌形象,成為了冷藏咖啡品類的暢銷品牌。貝納頌咖啡不僅獲得了消費者的廣泛認可,還榮獲了多項榮譽和獎項,如Monde Selection 銅獎和iTQi國際風味暨品質評鑒2星獎章等。
Bernachon Coffee has become a best-selling brand in the refrigerated coffee category over the years, thanks to its outstanding quality and innovative brand image. Bernachon Coffee has not only gained widespread recognition from consumers but also won numerous honors and awards, such as the Monde Selection Bronze Award and the iTQi International Taste and Quality Institute 2-Star Award.
Building on Bernachon’s long-standing brand recognition assets, we have further enhanced the brand’s identity and appeal through the design of the Craft mark, upgrading the brand typography, reinforcing the use of colors, highlighting the flow of pure coffee liquid, and emphasizing quality commitments and market position. These measures will help solidify Bernachon Coffee’s existing market position and attract more consumer attention and preference.